Yesterday it was announced that Disney would pay $4.05 Billion (£2.5 Billion) for Lucas Films and they will be making a Star Wars Sequel (Star Wars 7)
Lucas has already said that he will not have a massive day to day input on the fourth coming Star Wars sequel but is said to have done the treatments for the film but he won't produce or direct it which could be good for the right visionary person to move the franchise forward and figures crossed get rid of Jar Jar Binks.
Now lots of Uber Fans are not going to be happy with Disney taking this on with the main reason being
CEO of Disney Bob Iger has announced that the sequel will be all brand new material which will upset many fans hoping that the next film will be The Heir to the Empire from the Thrawn Trilogy by Timothy Zahn. This novel carries on the story after Return of the Jedi and introduces us to Mara Jade the emperors personal assassin and Grand Admiral Thrawn the Heir to the by now rudder less Empire.
Star Wars Fans will know there is a massive expanded universe for Star Wars but the Timothy Zahn trilogy would be a great starting point to do a sequel but sadly it is not meant to be.
The other thing that may pee off fans is the Disney effect, are we now going to get a star war that is all sugar and spice where there is no swearing no scenes of death and every film with have a moral message?
If so then we will see no more body part chopped off or Han Solo shooting Gueedo under the table and defo no more slave girl leia in the gold bikini.
We all know the only reason Disney have brought Lucas Films is because Disney see dollar signs all over it and the only people who will suffer if they bodge it will be the fans so if Bob Iger is reading don't fluff it up or you are going to ruining a legacy.