
Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Dan Dare

Dan Dare was created by Frank Hampson and appeared on the cover of the 1st ever issue of the Eagle 14th April 1950 and was a regular strip in the comic up until its close in 1994.

The stories were very well thought out with a lot of detail and sometimes complex story lines but were always Plausible. The stories were set in the distant future of the late 1990's but had a World War II feel about it which earn Dare his tag of Biggles in space or the British Buck Rodgers.   

At the time there was little known about our own solar system this was a time before the space race of the 1960's and there were no space probes to tell us about the planets so most of the early stories were based around our own solar system the first story has Dan Dare making the first successful flight to Venus and many of them included extraterrestrial life from planets within our solar system.
Most of the early stories saw Dan do battle with his arch enemy the Mekon and the Treens.


With its highly detailed art work by Hampson and his team on the story in the 1950's Dan Dare rocketed sales for the Eagle to well over the 900'000 copies the first issue sold but by the end of the 1950's Hampson had given up the rains on the story and in the 1960's it was taken on by Frank Bellamy,Don Harley,Keith Watson,Gerald Palmer and Bruce Cornwall. With the change of staff the strip change slightly from the rounded colorful rockets to more stylized sci-fi shapes of the 1960's some say that the change on the strip caused to be removed from the front cover of the Eagle to the inside pages and from color to black and white in 1962.

Dan was returned to the front cover in 1967 and stayed there till the Eagle ended in 1969.

There was no Dan Dare stories in any comics between 1969 to 1977. Dan was then reanimated from suspended animation to appear in a new comic called 2000 AD.
Dan Dare was now scripted by Ken Armstrong and Pat Mills with art work by Massimo Bellarddinlli.
In these stories Dare had been in suspended animation for over 200 years and was reanimated to do battle once again with the Mekon but other then these 2 there was no one else from the original cast brought back.
The tone of the story had changed as well to be tailored more to the punk attitude of the 2000 AD comic it's self. 

Bellardinei's Dare is not much like the Dare of the 50's and 60's and is only really recognizable by his wavy eyebrows.
Dan's first stint on the comic ran for 23 issues then he had a months break to return now being written by Gerry Finley-Day with art by Dave Gibbons and was sent on a Star Trek like deep space mission.
This mission had some interesting stories with a cliff hanger ending of Dan alone adrift in space.

Dan was again rested for another 14 issues and returned in 2000 AD 100th issue or Prog now written by Tom Tully Dare is rescued by the Mekon but has lost his memory. Dan is conned by the Mekon into becoming one of his army.

Tom Tully re-imaged Dan again making him more superhero like with a colorful tight uniform only thing missing was a cape!
This story line ended in issue/prog 126 (18th Aug 1979) with Dan and Sondar on the run from just about everyone and in search of the Mekon to clear there names? This was the set up for the promised next story but it never came to be.

We now move on to the new Eagle which hit the shelves in 1982 and once again Dan Dare was the flagship strip.
for the launch the artist was Gerry Embleton and he brought Dan back in very much the style of the 50's and 60's Dan Dare.
This time Dan Dare was the great grandson of the original Dare this left the Mekon as the only original character from the original strip.
The comic and Dan had a massive change in 1983 where the comic change from a glossy type magazine to more like the standard UK comics of the time printed on poorer quality paper but some say that Dan had a bigger change with Ian kennedy making him younger and with blond hair.

This is about the time that I started to become a Dan Dare fan being born in the late 1970's I missed the 50 and 60's version first time round only now starting to pick issues up from this period and I was a little to young for 2000 AD  although I now have a full set of the Dan Dare issues.

Between 1983 and 1987 Dan had many different writers and artist all bring in and getting rid of characters many of which mirror or where descendants of characters from the 1950's original strip.    

Dan Dare stayed in this form until 1987 then the story became more violent with Dan in charge of a bunch of Space commandos.The story seemed to go on forever and was not some of his best work to be honest

On the 29th August 1989 The Eagle revamped Dan again into a style which was much like to original Dan Dare of the 50's and 60's

Some of the stories from this time are my favorite Dan Dare stories.
Dan was brought back with a full cast so all the originals from the 1950's were back in the strip.
Sadly by this time the Eagle was on the wain and in the early 1990's it went from a weekly comic to a larger monthly comic mainly filled with reprints of  older stories but Dan Dare was original all the way till the end.

From 1994 to 2008 Dan appeared in a couple of  comics that did not last very long.
Then in 2003 Spaceships Away Launched which is a mail order quarterly Magazine. Spaceships Away carries a Dan Dare Strip that is very much in the style of the 1950/60's Dan Dare.
In 2008 Virgin Comics brought out a monthly Dan Dare comic. Richard Branson the owner of Virgin is quoted to be a Dan Dare fan. Sadly Virgin comics did not last very long and the comic only ran for 7 issues last issue dated July 2008 with art work by Gary Erskine and script by Garth Ennis.

so from 2008 till now the only place you will catch Dan Dare will be in back issue form or from Spaceships away.
So is Colonel Daniel McGregor Dare destined to be a thing of comic book past or will we see him again in a mainline comic?  Me personally I would love to see him back.

To carry on my resent posting of comics from my youth I will be posting some scans of Dan Dare stories from different era's of  Dan's comic book run the one bellow is from the early 1990's and appeared in the Eagle comic just before the comic went monthly.




Friday, 22 March 2013

New Trailers Doctor Who and Star Trek into Darkness

This week has seen the release of some new trailers and I thought I would share with you here.
First up is the New Trailer for the return of of Doctor Who both here in the UK on BBC 1 and BBC America on Saturday 30th March.
This series we will find out more about the Doctors new companion plus ***Spoiler Alert*** The Cybermen are back.

Next up is the new Teaser Trailer for Star Trek in to Darkness.
I have no words for this trailer other then it looks EPIC!!!!! Enterprise comic out of the sea!!!

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

David Pugh Artwork in The M.A.S.K Comic

David Pugh started out in comic in 1984 when he was asked to draw the Slaine story in 2000 AD by Pat Mills.
He Help to remold the character to what he is today with his art work being reprinted several times and two stories collected in to collected issues (Time Killer and Tomb of Terror).

He then went on to become one of the top artist for Fleetway for there boys adventures comics drawing Loner a space gunslinger for the Wildcat Comic but my two favorite stories of which he did the art work for was Dan Dare and M.A.S.K.

Dan Dare has long been one of my favorite characters and I remember being made up when they changed him from the dated 1980's superhero back to the slick Pilot of the Future that we all loved.
But that's enough about Dan for now I will be posting some scans at a later date.

M.A.S.K was a short lived UK comic which was mainly to advertise the toy line of the same name it ran for 80 weekly issues till it was merged with the Eagle in the late 1980's.
I did have a full set of these comics along time ago but sadly they are now gone not sure where they went and that is still under investigation.
David Pugh drew some amazing art for some stories in this comic my favorite was called kamikaze about Mat Tracker and the M.A.S.K (Mobile Armored Strike Kommand) team battling V.E.N.O.M (Vicious Evil Network Of Mayhem) in Japan with Venom drafting in some giant cyborg sumo wrestlers to help out.
sadly I can only find a few bad scans on the internet from this story and I no longer have a copy.

The story bellow is called Double Cross part 2 the art work is still brilliant and I love the large panel on the last page featuring Sly Rax and Floyd Malloy have a look and see what you think.

David Pugh no longer does any artwork for UK comics which I think is a bit of a shame but he does however fill his time with a much greater challenge he sends most of his time involved in the Busfare charity set up to help migrant workers and the families in India and Africa.

On this site you will also fine some of his original artwork that he is looking to sell to raise funds for the Busfare charity. 



Tuesday, 12 March 2013

IDW Publishing G.I.Joe Real America Hero #188 features Black Major and Red Shadows

Following on from yesterdays post about Action Force it looks like some of the characters are going to appear in this months IDW Publishing G.I.Joe A Real American Hero.
This months will see some G.I.Joe up against The Black Major and the Red Shadows check out the images below. 
RI sketch cover

standard cover

Credits page (Red Shadows)

Inside page (Black Major)

Not sure how long they will last in the comic but it is good to see them but still no sign of Barron Iron Blood though.

Just found next months cover check out the Roboskull.

Monday, 11 March 2013

Battle Action Force Comics

From 1983 to 1986 The Battle comic teamed up with Action Force to become Battle Action Force Comic.
The comic features stories staring characters from the Palitoy toy range of the same name. Palitoy released these 3 and 3/4 inch figures in 1982 as smaller versions of the already successful  Action Man line (which itself was the UK version of the 12 inch G.I.Joe) to cash in on some of the success of  The Star Wars line that it also held the licence for in the UK.

The stories in the Battle Action Force comics feature mainly characters from the 2nd and 3rd generation of the toy line of which the 3rd generation of the toys now being owned by Hasbro after the death of one of Palitoy's owners borrowed a lot from the US G.I.Joe toy line with some of the characters becoming members of Action Force or appearing along side the evil Barron Ironblood and the Black Major and there Red Shadows as well as fighting for Cobra.

The comics were mainly used as an advertising tool for the toys but had some great stories with original art work and writings from British artists these stories stand alone from the Marvel Stories that ran in the US at about the same time.

Sadly Palitoy closed in 1986 and Hasbro acquired all the rights for the Action Force toy line decided to cancel the Battle Action Force comic in favor of Marvel UK which then ran a comic for 50 issue but that is another story for another time.

Many of the stories left in the Battle were then Merged with the Eagle comic which then ran for another 7 years.

Below is an actual Action Force story taken from Battle Action Force dated 2/08/1986 (cover above).
The Story is called Manhattan Transfer and features one of my favorites at the time Storm Shadow.

Bellow are some images of the Action Force Version of Storm Shadow


Thursday, 7 March 2013

Iron Man 3 New trailer

This is the new Iron Man 3 Trailer that came out earlier this week.
In this new trailer we get to see a lot more of what happen to the suit the Rhodes stole at the end of Iron Man 3 turning it in to the Iron Patriot/War Machine.
We also get to see a bit more of the Mandarin and right a the end an extended view of Stark's iron wardrobe.   

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Find of the Weekend Marvel Figure Factory Blade

This figure comes from the ToyBiz Marvel Figure Factory Series 2. I think that this figure was one of the chase figures from this series but can't seem to find a definite answer on the net and with out the package in I Can not tell.

I have a few of these figures which feature some of Marvel mainline characters and also some strange picks this one being one of them. I can only figure out that blade was added to the series as there was a movie out at about the same time.

This figure is one of the harder one to come across now along with the Rino,Sub-Mariner and Thor out of the 3 this one must be my favorite due mainly to the size and amount of parts and the scene it depicts is not bad to.    


Friday, 1 March 2013

Battle Picture Weekly Day Of The Eagle

I am a long time lurker on the forums for both and and I placed a post on both the other day asking how popular back issue of British comics were over the pond. Sadly the response was that a lot of people had heard of 2000 AD and Judge Dredd but that was about it.

So I have decided to try and post about different stories that appeared in some of the comic of my youth.
First up is Day of the Eagle which was in the Battle Picture Weekly.
The story started in the first issue of the comic date 8th March 1957 and ran till 24th May 1975.
This was the first story to feature Mike Nelson code named The Eagle.
The Story is basically a rip of Fredrick Forsyths Day of The Jackal but with Nelson being task to kill Hitter.

The story was written by British comic book veteran Eric Hebden and the art work up till the last issue was done by Patrick Wright with the last issue being done by Barrie Mitchell.

The Day of the Eagle spawn manly sequels written by John Wagner, Gerry Finley-Day,Pat Mills,Alan Hebden and Chris Lowder with art by Wright,Mitchel,Geoff Campion,Eduard Vano and Masip and appeared in the Battle comic and Annuals till 1981.

Bellow is the full episode of the story from an actual copy of Battle Picture Weekly #2

        photo 8413df54-46a3-4bed-9a2e-87b0df27ab50_zps61c04105.jpg
        photo 378bb2c6-b7dd-4f6a-a66f-e5925ce19318_zps1862d5b4.jpg

        photo 57b464ab-3355-4810-ae8b-eebade7df79f_zps748cc30c.jpg

        photo d987e4e1-f3af-4915-8a80-e88b4724d4b2_zps698898bb.jpg

If you would like a copy of Battle Picture Weekly buy it here

If you want to read the full story online click here