
Friday, 7 December 2012

The End is Nigh?

Sorry for not posting for a while it has been a little busy in the Hush household in the past couple of weeks but lets kick off again with some much loved favorites coming to an end.

The Last Ever printed copy of the Dandy went on sale this week which brings an end to 75 years of history.
The 1st issue was printed in December 1937 by D.C. Thomson & Co and was the 3rd longest running comic behind Detective Comics (March 1937) and Il Giornalino (1st Oct 1924)

The 1st issue published on 4th December 1937 was a break from the norm with most comics of the day having a caption under each frame or panel the Dandy was the first comic to feature speech bubble in the actual frame or panel which made it look very different from the comics of the time.
The 1st issue cover story featured Korky the Cat which along with Desperate Dan were the two longest running characters of the comic.
Korky the Cat was the Cover story from 1937 till 1984 the Desperate Dan was moved from an inside story to the cover story till 1999 where he was replaced for just over a year and then return as cover story form the end of the year 2000 but was then later replace for good in 2004.
The Dandy at it's height in the 1950's was selling at over 2 million copies a week and was out selling many of it rivals but sadly at the time of the last issue it was only selling 8000 copies which incidentally sold out across the UK in less then 48 hours.
The Dandy will now be exclusively an online comic.
 Above is the last issue of this great comic and a personal favorite of mine from my childhood.
The closing of this comic is just one of a long line of British comic which have disappeared from our shelf along with the Eagle,Battle,Buster,Topper,Warlord and Victor to name but a few from my childhood, The sad thing is some of these are going to be gone forever as the earlier issue were printed on low quality paper so they may not have survived.
Now when you look at the shelves of you local WH Smiths or super market or if you still have them news agents all you will see is crap for kids comics it is all rehashed from all ready poor kids TV programmers.
The only true comics that don't offer load of free plastic crap as free gifts or rehashed Marvel stories spread out over 3 or 4 issues when if you brought the original it would cost a quarter of the price and be in one issue are The Beano the Dandy's sister comic and Judge Dredd  and 2000 AD and these and usually tucked away at the back behind all the crap.
As a collector of UK comics over the years I have seen may titles get swallowed up and the vanish never to be seen again there is hope though for fans of the printed Dandy remember the Eagle?
The Eagle featuring Dan Dare was first printed in 1950 till with declining sales it finished in 1969 then after a gap of  13 years it was back and it then ran again from 1982 to 1994.

So there is hope that it will return in the future well I'm hoping any way.
If you are on the hunt for the last issue of the Dandy then good look finding one at the £3.99 cover price At time of writing this post there are non I any stores I have been in since the 4th of Dec and they are selling for well over £40 no ebay!!!!

Now we move from a great comic from the UK to a great comic from the USA.
The Amazing Spider-Man #700.

This comic is to be the last issue of  The Amazing spider-Man story line.
Everyone knows that Spider-Man started life in Amazing Fantasy #15 published August 1962 written by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko with art work by Jack Kirby.7 Months after the success of the first appearance the same team published The Amazing Spider-Man #1 March 1962.
This was the first on going monthly comic to feature Spider-Man which then turned out to be one of flag ship Characters for the Next 50 Years.

Amazing Spider-Man has been the driving story line for Spider-Man over the years with the key event always being in this comic.
The thing is that make me scratch my head at this is Marvel have now got a massive reputation of tinkering with there comics to try and make more money out of the comic book fans. Over the years they have killed of countless characters only for them to reappear a couple of years later or the countless stopping of a story line to relaunch the tittle as vol.2 starting all over again for it all to be then matched back to one volume meaning that if you are a turn fan you have to buy all these special event first issue and last issues and oh cause they are all at a higher price and don't get me started on variant covers.
The Thing is this is going to be the last issue of Amazing Spider-Man only for them to re-launch the title a couple of months calling it Superior Spider-Man? How long this comic is going to last is anyone's idea before it turns back to the Amazing Spider-Man.
One Thing is for sure is that this Superior Spider-Man #1 will have at least 4 variant covers all at inflated prices.
So by The end of December we will have lost a great British comic maybe for good and a great American comic will have been tamper with only for it come back in a couple of years after Marvel figure out they have made a mistake.    


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