The story centers on a young boy called Mark Davies who survives a plague of killer virus that have either killed or mutated most of the population of the planet. Mark has survived only because he has a rare blood type which only a few people in the world had. Mark finds himself stumbling around London on his own till he finds another survivor another young boy called Karl.
The two of them escape the mutant dangers of the big city for what they think would be the saftey of the country and then envntually on to France.
I remmember the story from when I was a kid I was probably a little to young to be reading them first time round as the subject was a bit dark for a under 10.
However I did find it very interesting when I read it from the reprints in the early 1990's the story was writtern and appeared in the Eagle at a time when the apocalypse could have been on most peoples minds be it from nuclear war or some scary biological experiment going wrong the apocalypse could have been a near future event.
Below is the frist episode taken from my copy of the Eagle Montly.
Hi, do you where one can find the entire story/series of Survival? Appreciate your help/guidance on this. thanks